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LGS Solutions, coaching de vie, coach personnel, gestion du stress, gestion des traumatismes, gestion du sommeil, insomnie, hypersomnie, haut potentiel, hp, hpi, hpe, asperger, empathe, spiritualité, yogasophro, sophrologie, hypnothérapie, libération des traumatismes, trauma, médecine douce, médecine alternative, chakra, compassion key, libération de traumatismes transgénérationnels, bien-être, accompagnement entrepreneur, accompagnement particuliers, gestion de projets, Trouble du spectre de l'autisme, TSA.



Prize pool created on 09-10-22

Objective: €19,200.00

My name is Lætitia Georges. I have trained in Personal Development for over 3 years, but also in NLP, Sophrology, and Project Management.

I am going to tell you about this method of quantum vibrational therapy which allows you to rebalance the body. I need to use this essential work tool every day. I provide individual support in order to work to find you a space of regeneration, transparency, mental and bodily coherence.

Bioresonance is a method of quantum vibration therapy that helps prevent, detect and quickly repair imbalances.

The L.I.F.E.-System uses the principle of bioresonance and Biofeedback which is the analysis of the vibrational response of the body placed in an imperceptible, completely painless and non-invasive electromagnetic field.

Their simple and effective analysis allows, among other things:

• Identify the state of your health, the quality of the body's resources, the potential effects of a substance on the human body, psychological and emotional activity.

• Adjust and prevent imbalances likely to cause disease, 1 to 15 years before its appearance.

• Correct imbalances present in all parts of the body in real time through meta-therapy.

To find out more, watch this video: how a session takes place.

I am doing this campaign to acquire this material, my working tool. It has already been more than 50 years since the Russians implemented this technology to treat astronauts because they realized that allopathy did not work in weightlessness.

I've been stalling and going in circles for far too long to effectively launch my business, it is now urgent that I start as quickly as possible.

This machine will allow me to offer you a different and complementary therapy, always with the aim of restoring, repairing, maintaining, nourishing and preserving your state of health and well-being.

Today, I would like to go even further and with you. I therefore appeal to you who trust me, to your solidarity and your generosity to help me finance my project which is really close to my heart. I guarantee you will receive a lot of goodness in return. You know my professional involvement and its merits.

The average duration of a consultation is 1 hour 30 minutes, divided as follows: 30 minutes for collecting your data, and 1 hour for analyzing and rebalancing your dysfunctions identified by the assessment.

  • For any donation equal to or greater than €60, I offer a 1-hour consultation.

  • For any donation equal to or greater than €90, I offer a 1.5 hour consultation.

  • For any donation equal to or greater than €450, I offer as many 1.5 hour consultations corresponding to the amount of the donation + 1 free consultation to 1 person of your choice.

  • For any donation equal to or greater than €1000, I offer as many 1h30 consultations corresponding to the amount of the donation, + 1 free consultation for your children, + 1 free consultation for 2 people of your choice! + I will polish your shoes, mop your floors, clean your car, vacuum everywhere, cuddle your cat, etc...

Please send me your full contact details (NAME, FIRST NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, EMAIL) to  or to my personal email address in order to make our first appointment together and allocate you the corresponding additional free care . You can also reach me at +596 696 708645.

Even a minimal contribution is valuable support for the acquisition of equipment.

You can simply share my project with as many people as possible so that it is visible and known.

You can make your contribution to the prize pool by clicking on “I participate”:

Participations are free

The site is completely secure

I count on you ! Thank you all.

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