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LGS Solutions, coaching de vie, coach personnel, gestion du stress, gestion des traumatismes, gestion du sommeil, insomnie, hypersomnie, haut potentiel, hp, hpi, hpe, asperger, empathe, spiritualité, yogasophro, sophrologie, hypnothérapie, libération des traumatismes, trauma, médecine douce, médecine alternative, chakra, compassion key, libération de traumatismes transgénérationnels, bien-être, accompagnement entrepreneur, accompagnement particuliers, gestion de projets, Trouble du spectre de l'autisme, TSA.

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Analyst Programmer turned Success Coach

Owner of the company

Because I know what it feels like to...

Live so far away from yourself for so long that the simple question, "Who are you?" triggers internal distress tempests that no words could ever quiet. Live a pointless life in a backward place, at the wrong time, among unsafe people who wished you didn't exist...

I survived that and moved forward in my life with my head on and an unshakable dignity.

Be rejected


I was rejected by my own parents, other family members, the other kids at school, guys I fancied, companies I applied to for jobs, and society, mostly for not fitting into the predefined containers.

I even rejected myself as a child since the outside world only reflected negativity when looking at me. I lived most of my childhood and teenage years dissociated from my body. I became used to it.

I developed a perfectionist side that made me an efficient analyst with a strong focus on quality.

I overcame most of my fears of rejection but clearing all of it will be a life long journey.


Be neglected

I had to take care of myself alone at an early age, I was the judge of what was right or not right.

I was not allowed to display or voice emotions and spent most of my time alone.

I learnt very early to avoid asking for anything I needed and take care of it myself to avoid putting more obstacles on my way and reduce the stress overwhelms. I grew-up knowing that no one could be trusted, but myself.

I developed a strong self guidance and vivid intuitivity.

With a natural tendency towards auto-sufficiency, I wanted to do everything alone without depending on anyone.

Today, I may still have some leftover trust issues there and there, but I overcame most of the resulting symptoms.

Be abandoned

My own father is the perfect illustration of unmanaged severe abandonment trauma. I had to carry some of his load to make it bearable for him.

I was abandoned by my mother before my pre-teenage years and then rejected by the new "stepmother" who pointlessly tried to take her place. She never achieved it, by the way... I had to face all this alone and in silence.

I grew a lot of resilience, which allowed me to go through life's hardships without breaking.

I connected with my higher self at a very early age and used her guidance when needed.


Be humiliated

I was constantly humiliated by my own parents, the other kids at school, and teachers too...

By racist people (a lot of them) living in my town, my county, my country, my island too.

I was mistreated by men who claimed to fancy me but who actually never intended to give me a chance to be known and liked. I was harassed at school, at the office, at home too...

I finally understood why these patterns were running on me and took the necessary steps to stop them.

I no longer fear meeting new people, moving to a new place, speak my truth and stepping up for myself when needed.

Be betrayed

I was betrayed repeatedly by my own parents in early childhood.

Betrayed by people of "prestige" who lied to me, by teachers who valued official propaganda over education, abused by elder people (whom I was taught to show respect to)... My own husband cheated on me before our first anniversary.

Betrayed by employers, co-workers, so-called friends, society...

I developed a strong self-drive and multipotentiality.

To realise that my worst enemy was actually sleeping right beside me every nights


If you want to fix your couple, your marriage, your sex, and dating life, please ask someone else. I am not a good fit for that.

For anything else, I'm ready to facilitate your needs.

Be the object of injustice

I was often targeted by racism, sexism, and other ableism, so often that I developed an automatic anticipation of every single situation involving a stranger or a known ableism offender.

Being born between 1972 and 1978 deprived me of most financial aids and convenient rights a regular citizen could claim. I had to improvise alone to pay for my school fees and make ends meet.

I valued and sharpened my constantly racing mind to become self-sufficient and balance my emotional states.

Unless they lived through it, nobody can really understand the hyper vigilance resulting from being in presence of unknown white people or situations where you might have to depend on them. Depending on the level of offence you received during your early years, the anxiety varies from person to another. We have to lay this huge taboo down and heal our wounds.

I Understand and Respect You.

I lived most of my childhood, teenage, and adult years in my head, disconnected from my body.

I was very generous with my head, always seeking more knowledge and sense but very negligent with my body to which I gave very little interest. I realized at middle age that this was a trauma response split and that I had no idea how to manage it properly.

With no friends, a sad and complicated family situation, no interest in dating or breeding, I focused all my attention on my profession and built my whole life around it.

I have been able to reach all my objectives and found a good comfort zone in a fast-paced and stressful environment.

Then I started suffering from Frozen shoulder... neck stiffness... scoliosis pains... mood instability... painful early menopause...

My body just couldn't bear any longer the pace and strains I was demanding from it. I had to change the way I live, drastically, while I still could, or it would break. So I did.

I learned

  • that your body keeps staggering all the physical and emotional damage you sustain, no matter how strong and how long you delay it, there is no dodge or escape from it.

  • that a highly sensitive person never loses sensitivity, no matter how often you expose yourself to hardships, you won't desensitize as if it was an allergy... It only adds more strain on the body.

  • that resilience has a price... The more you gather, the more you pay sooner or later.


Later, with my newly created company, as I was struggling with depression, I learned that I am a HPi, and that my weirdo traits are within the Autism Spectrum. I took that news like a huge wake-up slap in the face; neurodivergence became my new interest. Hyper-focusing on a new concept kind of relaxed my ADHD and snapped me out of depression.

It felt like a lot to carry all of a sudden. I wondered what my life would have been if only I had known much sooner... and what it would have become.

But on the other side, I was relieved. I finally had answers to what was really going on. I finally could put words and clarifications on my pains and worries. My anxiety problem nearly vanished.

I wasn't crazy, I wasn't deficient, I wasn't useless, I wasn't some alien dumped in the worst possible environment, I was just wired differently, struggling with CPTSD and ADHD, high masking.

So I did a lot of research...

I learned about Neurodiversity and each component within the spectrums.

I trained on coaching, on healing, on analysis, and even on things I hate such as marketing or sales. I read.

I certified in various coaching utility tools and healing methods.

I tested, tried, experimented, practiced...


Today, I can look back at my past without the inconvenience of having toxic emotions interfering with my sanity.

Too often, people let shame, guilt, resentments, and anger cloud and taint their clarity and decision-making... They end up living on autopilot, ruled by patterns that aren't theirs and highly vulnerable to manipulation. They end up trapped in a cycle of suffering, hang on to it, and pass it on to their legacy...

Setting myself free from past hurts and mistreatments has transformed my life in so many ways that I couldn't tell you all the changes since it works both on conscious and unconscious levels. I am no longer led by fear and grudges, no longer trapped in my toxic patterns, no longer disturbed in my sleep, no longer hostile to others, and finally able to enjoy the present moment.

I want to share these transformations with you and witness the goodness shine in your life.

Are you ready to make that significant change to fix your life?

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