“The work” will never go away.
My high school soccer coach would end each practice by having the whole team shout the mantra:
“If you want to get results, you have to put in the work.”
Having to do the things that produce results… that part of the job is here to stay. Sure. It may shift shape, or the tasks might change, but the work happens.
So, the question then becomes: How can an organization change the way people work so that “the work” becomes easier and faster? The answer is pretty simple. To thrive, there needs to be more investment in people, processes, and technology. We must adopt the new-found workforce and challenge existing models and methods of working.
Information management solutions make “doing the work” more efficient in several ways. These technology solutions have come to be so much more that just file storage applications. Solutions like M-Files are changing the way people work without changing “the work.”
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