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Unlocking the Path to Prosperity: Strategies for Success

Writer's picture: LætitiaLætitia

Updated: Jul 25, 2024


During my interactions with my coachees, my friends and the people who confided their torments to me, a very familiar scenario was replayed in front of me, a very sad scenario where the person felt like he was doing everything, everything possible. to earn money and make ends meet at the end of the month, but whatever the amount of effort, the results are always bad or insufficient to meet their expectations.

survival mode

Many of us are born into modest backgrounds, into modest families where adults have to work hard to earn just enough to cover their expenses. The expenses are measured and distributed to the taste account so that the home and the family survive in good conditions. Without financial education, parents give all their time and energy to ensuring that the needs of children and employers are met as much as possible. They are undervalued, underpaid, undervalued and overexploited.

Being accustomed to this life script, they teach their children to work hard to earn can, be content with can, dream small or stop dreaming because it is the only life script they know that has been given to them. transmitted from generation to generation. Protectors of their skewed values, they enforce through authority, blackmail, gaslighting, or whatever means they can find their pattern of life and prosperity.

It is possible to spend a lifetime in survival mode, but it is impossible to flourish and find happiness there.

How to get out of survival?

Going from survival to thriving is not easy or quick.



First, it is necessary to identify what keeps us in this state of survival.

What are the positive elements that this condition brings you?

For some, it may be closeness and family attachment, popularity with friends or prospects, avoidance of situations they find stressful, belonging to a group or category of people. For others it can be the aftermath of post-traumatic stress where living poor and hidden brings peace and security towards others.

Where are you in your survival? What are the main reasons that keep you there?

Once these reasons are listed, ask yourself what alternative could achieve the same result without resorting to your sacrifice.

If you can't find an alternative, ask someone who doesn't have this problem, or contact a life coach to help you.


Then, with your new findings, take stock of the actions you have taken so far to get out of your mess.

Make sure that everything, absolutely everything, has really been done to get you out of it. Be honest with yourself.

Implement the few details that you missed, what you didn't have the time or the courage to do before, what others discouraged you from doing (without telling them about it), and see the results.


Doing everything alone can be exhausting and for some even counterproductive. At this step, you will be facing your own limitations and inhibitions. Gather your courage and dare talking with a psychologist about your fears and blocks. Swallow your excessive pride and dare contacting a life coach to guide you through this burden, it is their job to get you out of it.

Everyone's environment weighs very heavily on the state of mind and the possibilities that present themselves to you. A toxic environment to your growth will only drag you down.


Who in your entourage keeps you in your condition of survival? Who constantly reminds you that "life is like this, we can't do anything about it"? Who could be angry if all of a sudden you start to succeed? Who would be ready to attack you to bring you down to his level or even lower?

It is important to identify all of this and prepare to deal with it. Running away from them won't solve the problem, sooner or later they will catch up with you.

Who do you think might hold the keys to help you out? Who among those you met inspired you and gave you hope?

Contact them. Explain the situation to them, ask their opinion, their experience, their insights.

If you cannot find a resource person, get support from a coach or a psychologist.

Rise to more fulfillment

You have now cleaned up your environment and neutralized the toxic elements. It is time to think about building a new favorable environment.


Are you satisfied with your processional activity? Does your profession bring you satisfaction, joy? Do you feel proud and excited about continuing for another decade?

If so, congratulations, your path will be easier and smoother.

If not, think of an alternative. What profession would give you these feelings? What training is required for your retraining? What tools and resources are needed to accomplish this? Time is not your friend on this level, the sooner you start, the sooner you will realize yourself.

The more you enjoy doing what you do, the more abundance and positivity you will attract into your life. The more you continue to sacrifice your time and energy in overwhelming activity, the more you sink back into the survival fund.


Contact and meet people who inspire you, people who live in fulfillment, who are happy in their professional activity and happy with their financial results.

Spend time with them, listen to them, feel them, benefit from their positive energy.

Then look at your own situation and aspirations from their perspective. They will pull you up, out of this container of survival and allow you to take a look of prosperity in your life.

That's when the magic happens. Opportunities you couldn't reach in survival funds will come your way. Important details that you could not see before will reveal themselves to your eyes. People who had no idea you existed before will suddenly show up.

Now you know the secret to success.

This is a short summary, we could write novels on it.

Do not hesitate to send me your feelings, your reflections, your reactions.

As soon as you are ready, call me and I will gently coach you to make your path smoother.

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