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LGS Solutions, coaching de vie, coach personnel, gestion du stress, gestion des traumatismes, gestion du sommeil, insomnie, hypersomnie, haut potentiel, hp, hpi, hpe, asperger, empathe, spiritualité, yogasophro, sophrologie, hypnothérapie, libération des traumatismes, trauma, médecine douce, médecine alternative, chakra, compassion key, libération de traumatismes transgénérationnels, bien-être, accompagnement entrepreneur, accompagnement particuliers, gestion de projets, Trouble du spectre de l'autisme, TSA.

Recover from Trauma thanks to the power of your Compassion

  • Available Online

    1 hr 30 min

    125 euros

Clearing yourself using the Compassion Key method is a powerful approach to recovering from childhood trauma. The Compassion Key method is based on the principles of healing through self-compassion, forgiveness, and releasing emotional blockages. When it comes to childhood trauma, this method offers many compelling benefits.

Heal yourself with Self-Compassion

Cause the emotional residue of trauma from your past to gradually dissolve.

Heal your inner child

Take responsibility for acknowledgment of receipt and validations yourself

Create a safe indoor space, don't run away anymore

Reduce self-criticism, you are in charge

Cultivate self-love

Regulate your emotions, manage hypersensitivity

Practice mindfulness meditation

Strengthen your resilience

Forgive yourself to free yourself from your emotional burden

Reduce avoidance and repression of feelings

White Sand and Stone
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My name is Lætitia Georges, and I am a Success Coach based in Fort-de-France, Martinique.


Before discovering the Compassion Key, I felt like something was missing in my journey—both personally and professionally. Despite my achievements, I struggled with unresolved emotions and deep-seated patterns that seemed to hold me back from experiencing true fulfillment.


Then, I encountered the transformative work of Edward Mannix and joined his circle of exceptional people dedicated to profound healing and growth. Through this experience, I uncovered the power of self-compassion as a catalyst for change.


I have learned to navigate the complexities of my inner world, releasing old wounds and clearing karmic imprints that no longer served me.

I practiced diligently, applying the Compassion Key method to my life and witnessing remarkable shifts.

Over time, I mastered the technique, allowing it to integrate fully into my coaching practice.


Now, I stand empowered, aligned, and at peace—able to live and guide others from a place of deep compassion and authenticity.


You, too, can experience this profound transformation.

Whether you're seeking emotional healing, spiritual growth, or simply a more compassionate relationship with yourself, your self compassion can unlock the doors to the life you truly desire.


Voila! Book a session today and embark on your journey to healing and self-discovery.

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Lætitia Georges


Thank you to all the beautiful souls I have had the honor of working with. By putting all my heart into work to care for you and help you achieve your transformation, I fill myself with everything that is necessary for my own life.

I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

Book your first session
Heal your inner child

Your turn now, Sign-up

More testimonials with screenshots and pictures

A session generally lasts around an hour but can easily exceed an hour depending on each person's specificities.

For a good half hour, you will talk about yourself, your context, your feelings and your functioning. Then, you will be guided towards personalized care.

We will go at your pace, at all times you remain in control of what happens.


The treatments will be designed just for you. If you feel the need to have a third person with you, this person should adopt the posture of a simple observer and remain silent.


After booking your session, you will receive a confirmation email containing a zoom link to the video conference room. For the first session, you will be required to turn on your camera.

For subsequent sessions, you will have the choice of keeping it on or off. You may also prefer another telecommunications software.


Any session consumed, even partially, is non-refundable.

Heal your inner child
Heal your inner child
  • Gradually get rid of the emotional residue of trauma from your past.

  • Manage the accumulation of emotional and energetic imprints of your experiences.

  • Manage your physiological responses to stress, emotional suppression, disrupted energy flows, negative thought patterns, disproportionate reactions, etc...

  • Free yourself from the burden of resentment and pain.

  • Counterbalance the negative emotions associated with trauma to create a more harmonious emotional landscape based on love, compassion and gratitude.

  • Reframe your beliefs to free yourself from the cycle of thought patterns and behaviors related to your trauma.

  • Take action, regain control over your well-being.



To give you the opportunity to connect with others who will kindly support you, you will have access to a community of compassionate souls.


You will be able to share your feelings and your progress and possibly forge friendships.

Video testimonials



What is your refund policy?

Any planned and paid service that does not take place as planned will be refunded.

Any session consumed, even partially, is non-refundable.

Any software license and educational materials necessary for your treatment are your responsibility and are non-refundable.

If I miss a session, what will happen?

Any scheduled session may be canceled up to one hour before the appointment.

Any scheduled session can be rescheduled up to one hour before the appointment.

Refunds for missed sessions will be considered on a case-by-case basis and subject to review of evidence of good faith.


Do you have to pay for each new session or are there payment facilities?

For greater comfort and peace of mind, it is possible to take out a weekly subscription or a monthly subscription for which the services are debited automatically from the chosen date. This is possible on the session reservation screen by accessing the “packages” offered.


How do you know when you are completely healed?

When we have trouble finding good reasons to take care of ourselves, we are cured or almost cured.


What if I get overwhelmed by emotion during the call?

It's planned. You will have moments of emotional distress, you will want to cry, you will feel hot, cold sometimes, you will want to laugh, to sing, to be amazed, to speak, to remain silent. You will go through moments that will surprise you, through great confusion, then you will feel much lighter, calm, centered, much better...

What should you prepare before a call?

Plan to have water to drink, you will definitely be thirsty.

Bring tissues and a comfortable seat.

Allow a minimum time frame of one hour.

Inform those around you that you will be busy so as not to be disturbed.


Can I come accompanied?

The conversations are all personal and confidential.

You are free to have a third person with you but this person must remain silent and not disturb the session in any way.

Are the sessions recorded?

The first introductory session will be recorded. During this session, you will be required to activate your camera and microphone. This session will be decisive in the organization of the following sessions. This session will then be shared with you alone and only you will have control of its future.

The following sessions will not be recorded and you will have the freedom to choose your favorite contact methods.


Do I have to use a webcam?

The first time only.


Can I use a simple analog phone or a modem?

Communications will use digital protocols.

If you want to use a modem to connect to the internet and join the meeting, you risk experiencing connection interruptions, having very low quality communication and a significant bill.

Where does this Compassion Key method come from?

Edward Mannix is ​​the founder of The Compassion Key®, a simple yet powerful system for healing the inner child, dissolving karmic distortions and spontaneously bringing our heart and soul's deepest desires into form.


Find more information on this blog article.

  • Available Online

    1 hr 30 min

    125 euros
Heal your inner child
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